Roundtable on Public Engagement
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Roundtable on Public Engagement

Engaging the public in the work of parliament has been long practiced. To be in close exchange with the people is indeed a precondition for a successful parliament. In recent years, instruments and processes have been developed, tested and compared that institutionalize engagement. A special issues of the Journal of Legislative Studies looks at thoses…

Playing Parliament
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Playing Parliament

Simulation games are an innovative way for teaching the logic and dynamics of the political process. Sven T. Siefken and a group of students from different universities participated in the parliamentary simulation that is run by the German Bundestag, going through the parliamentary phases of how a bill becomes a law. More on the simulation…

A Global Perspective on Committee Hearings
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A Global Perspective on Committee Hearings

Based on data compiled for the Global Parliamentary Report, Maya Kornberg and Sven T. Siefken study the role of committee hearings for public engagement by parliaments. They discuss how hearings have evolved and which mechanisms are in use and how new approaches change the practices, for example through digital hearings or field hearings. The article…

Public Engagement as a Core Role for Parliaments
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Public Engagement as a Core Role for Parliaments

Parliaments fullfill a key function in political system of linking society and the political system. The new article by Cristina Leston-Bandeira and Sven T. Siefken explores changes and continuity in how parliaments fulfill engagement, which actors are doing it and what it entails. The article is available open access: Cristina Leston-Bandeira/ Sven T. Siefken (2023):…

Mini Publics in MP Districts

Mini Publics in MP Districts

The initiative “Hallo Bundestag” is running mini publics in MP districts – an innovative approach to combine elements of deliberative and representative democracy. Sven T. Siefken is supporting and advising the initiative that is financed by the Robert Bosch foundation, the ZEIT foundation, the Open Society Foundations and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. More about…

Parlamentarische Repräsentation – überholt oder unverzichtbar?

Parlamentarische Repräsentation – überholt oder unverzichtbar?

Parité-Gesetze, Vorwahlen, Volksgesetzgebung und Bürgerräte – es werden gegenwärtig verschiedene Wege zur Ergänzung der repräsentativen Demokratie empfohlen. In einem Beitrag für die  Zeitschrift Gesellschaft-Wirtschaft-Politik stellen Sven T. Siefken und Alexander Kühne die Grundgedanken parlamentarischer Repräsentation vor, diskutieren verbreitete Missverständnisse und gehen auf Reformansätze ein. Sie finden den Beitrag hier