Elections in the United States – a Done Deal?

Elections in the United States – a Done Deal?

On August 7, the new format of the “Wissenschaftsforum” at the Federal University of Applied Administrative Sciences held its first public panel discussion. Dr. Michael Kolkmann (University of Halle) and Dr. Philipp Adorf (University of Bonn) shared their insights from years of research on U.S. politics about the upcoming elections in the fall of 2024….

Erosion of the State?

Erosion of the State?

Are democratic institutions and bureaucracy losing their functionality? This were key topics of a conference held at the Akademie für politische Bildung in Tutzing. Sven T. Siefken gave a talk on informality in politics, analyzing coalition negotiations, expert advisory commissions and coalition management. More about the conference can be found here https://www.apb-tutzing.de/Tagungsprogramme/2023/39-4-23-programm.pdf

IPSA in Buenos Aires

IPSA in Buenos Aires

The Research Committee of Legislative Specialists is meeting during the 2023 World Congress in Buenos Aires. Organizing various panels it brings together perspectives on Parliamentary Oversight, Second Chambers, Parliamentary Party Groups, Parliaments in the Pandemic, Parliamentary Development. Sven T. Siefken is serving as convenor, panel chair, discussant and paper presenter. More on the panels by…

Current Threats to Parliamentary Democracy
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Current Threats to Parliamentary Democracy

The Institute for Parliamentary Research (IParl), Berlin, and Sven T. Siefken brought together a large group of scholars for a workshop discussing current threats to parliamentary democracy. The meeting was held at the Reichstag building in an open format to debate the various developments in democracies around Europe and grapple with the question how to…

Conference at St Pete Beach, Florida
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Conference at St Pete Beach, Florida

The Research Committees 08 (Legislative Specialists) and 13 (Democratization in Comparative Perspective) of the International Political Science Association jointly set up a conference within the Southern Political Science Association‘s Annual Conference, held January 11 to 14, 2023 at St Pete Beach in Florida. Conference organizers Irina Khmelko (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, USA), Adam Szymański (University…

Holding the public sector accountable

Holding the public sector accountable

Providing redress for maladministration is a key requirement of any legitimate system of public service delivery. During the 6th. International Conference on Public Policy, held in Toronto, Canada, 27-29 June 2023, Eckart Schroeter and Sven T. Siefken organize a panel that explores different ways of holding public authorities and agents of public service delivery accountable….

New Challenges to German Politics and Policy

New Challenges to German Politics and Policy

In the German Studies Association conference in Houston, Texas, Barbara Donovan, Eric Langenbacher and Sven T. Siefken convened a three-day seminar on the “New Challenges to German Politics and Policy”. Scholars from the United States, Canada and Germany presented their research and discussed the findings. Sven T. Siefken presented a paper on Changes or Constitency…

“Revisiting Parliaments in Pandemics” in Prague
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“Revisiting Parliaments in Pandemics” in Prague

In May 2022, the Academy of Sciences organized a workshop Revisiting Parliaments in Pandemics. Keynote speaker Sven T. Siefken presented first findings of the second wave of a global expert survey ‘Parliaments in Pandemics’. Conducted in 2020, 2021, and 2022, the survey focused on how the pandemic changed the legislatures’ roles and, in particular, electoral, legislative, oversight, communication and representation…

Internationales Panel zu “Legislatures During Covid-19”

Internationales Panel zu “Legislatures During Covid-19”

Mit der Rolle der Parlamente in der Covid-19-Krise befasste sich ein internationales Panel an der Bar-Ilan University, das am 14.1.2021 von 15:00 bis 16:30 Uhr (MEZ) stattfand. Vorgestellt und diskutiert wurden Erkenntnisse und Forschungsvorhaben zu verschiedenen Ländern, unter anderem Italien, das Vereinigte Königreich und mehrere “illiberal democracies” im Vergleich. Sven T. Siefken sprach zur Rolle…

Workshop zu Parlamentsausschüssen im Policy-Making

Workshop zu Parlamentsausschüssen im Policy-Making

Ausschüsse werden häufig als die wichtigste Einheit von Parlamenten verstanden. Doch was genau in ihnen passiert, ist nur wenig erforscht. Für das Research Committee of Legislative Specialists (RCLS)  der IPSA hat Sven T. Siefken gemeinsam mit Hilmar Rommetvedt (Stavanger, Norwegen) und Pablo Oñate (Valencia, Spanien) im Oktober 2019 einen vergleichenden Workshop zur Rolle der Parlamentsausschüsse…