More Conflict in Parliament – why?

More Conflict in Parliament – why?

Determinants and Consequences Over the past years, visible conflicts in the German Bundestag have grown. This is dues to various political developments, policy decisions and strategic choices of poltical actors. Sven T. Siefken discusses these determinants and their consequences in the latest edition of the journal “INDES”, available here:

Happy Birthday, Bundestag

Happy Birthday, Bundestag

75 years ago, today, the first German Bundestag held opening meeting. Over the decades, the Bundestag has developed into one of the strongest parliaments in the world. On the occasion of the Bundestag Birthday, Sven T. Siefken spoke with Radio Bremen 2 about the developments in the past and the challenges ahead. A recording of…

Making Sense of the Elections in France

Making Sense of the Elections in France

In a surprise move, French President Emmanuel Macron has called new parliamentary elections. Join us for a discussion with expert Dr. Calixte Bloquet about reasons, dynamics and possible consequences. Hosted by IPSA’s Research Committee of Legislative Specialist (RC08), moderated by Sven T. Siefken, June 28 (9 AM New York, 3 PM Paris). Here is a…

Practitioners’ Workshop on Legislative Cartography
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Practitioners’ Workshop on Legislative Cartography

Having conducted a thorough literature review, analyzed legal documents and interviewed numerous parliamentary practitioners, the interdisciplinary team held a first workshop on the „Cartography of the Legislative Process“. Held in Berlin, the workshop brought together practitioners from the German Bundestag and the Ministry of Justice with academics and designers. The goal of the project is…

Legislative Cartography in the Research Seminar
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Legislative Cartography in the Research Seminar

An ongoing cooperation of political scientists and designers is mapping the legislative process, from first ideas to the promulgation of laws. The special focus is on integrating both formal and informal components. Sven T. Siefken presented and discussed findings of this ongoing research project at the brown bag seminar of the University of Applied Administrative…

Parliaments and the Resilience of Democracies
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Parliaments and the Resilience of Democracies

The Federal Ministry of the Interior is organizing a training course on the resilience of democracy. It brings academics into exchange and discussion with staff of the German Federal administration. Sven T. Siefken discussed the topic of parliaments in crises. Building on definitions of crises and the role of parliaments in the political systems, Siefken…

The Bundestag – Insider Perspectives for Colorado students

The Bundestag – Insider Perspectives for Colorado students

A group of students from Colorado College visited the Bundestag to discuss German politics with an MP and staffers working for MPs from different parties. Sven T. Siefken, guest professor at CC since 2019, organized the event, moderated the meetings and held an introductory lecture on parliamentary politics in Germany. More about Colorado College here…

Parliaments in the Pandemic Workshop in Prague
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Parliaments in the Pandemic Workshop in Prague

The international collaboration on Parliaments in the Pandemic (PiP) convened for its fifth academic workshop in Prague. It was the first in-person meeting since PiP was established in 2020 in the middle of the Covid pandemic. Based on a unique country expert panel study, PiP is a comprehensive study of what happened to parliaments around…

Cartography of the Legislative Process
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Cartography of the Legislative Process

Graphic descriptions of the legislative process usually focus on what is going on “in” parliament – while neglecting the preparliamentary phases of bill preparation. But there is a lot of coordination, negotiation and public engagement happening in this less formalized phase. Bringing together the special skills of designers (with an interest in politics) and political…

In the Depths of Coalition Negotiations
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In the Depths of Coalition Negotiations

Coalition negotiations play a key role in government formation, but they have not been analyzed much in detail. In Germany, the past decades have seen an ongoing differentiation of their organization, leading to a complex multi-level negotiation structure with a policy-oriented division of labor. Studying the working group on health policy in the coalition negotiations…

Roundtable on Public Engagement
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Roundtable on Public Engagement

Engaging the public in the work of parliament has been long practiced. To be in close exchange with the people is indeed a precondition for a successful parliament. In recent years, instruments and processes have been developed, tested and compared that institutionalize engagement. A special issues of the Journal of Legislative Studies looks at thoses…

Playing Parliament
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Playing Parliament

Simulation games are an innovative way for teaching the logic and dynamics of the political process. Sven T. Siefken and a group of students from different universities participated in the parliamentary simulation that is run by the German Bundestag, going through the parliamentary phases of how a bill becomes a law. More on the simulation…

Challenges to Parliamentary Governance
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Challenges to Parliamentary Governance

McGill University in Montreal, Canada, has run an exciting program for new MPs and staff from around the globe. Sven T. Siefken spoke on current political challenges to the German Bundestag, discussing the tension between MPs’ policy specialization versus societal outreach? The presentation gave an overview about how the Bundestag, one of the strongest parliaments…

A Global Perspective on Committee Hearings
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A Global Perspective on Committee Hearings

Based on data compiled for the Global Parliamentary Report, Maya Kornberg and Sven T. Siefken study the role of committee hearings for public engagement by parliaments. They discuss how hearings have evolved and which mechanisms are in use and how new approaches change the practices, for example through digital hearings or field hearings. The article…

Meeting Bundestag interns from Arabic countries

Meeting Bundestag interns from Arabic countries

The Bundestag has been been running the international scholarship program for young professionals from various parts of the world. Sven T. Siefken delivered an opening presentation on „politics in a parliamentary democracy“ and led the discussion for the 2023 class of participants from various Arabic countries: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Tunisia, Bahrain, Algeria, Iraqi. More…

Public Engagement as a Core Role for Parliaments
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Public Engagement as a Core Role for Parliaments

Parliaments fullfill a key function in political system of linking society and the political system. The new article by Cristina Leston-Bandeira and Sven T. Siefken explores changes and continuity in how parliaments fulfill engagement, which actors are doing it and what it entails. The article is available open access: Cristina Leston-Bandeira/ Sven T. Siefken (2023):…

Parliamentary Committees in Paperback
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Parliamentary Committees in Paperback

The edited volume on Parliamentary Committees in the Policy Process, edited by Sven T. Siefken and Hilmar Rommetvedt, is now available in paperback. It brings together parliamentary experts from around the world to report on the state of knowledge about what is going on in committees and how relevant they really are. More here

Mini Publics in MP Districts

Mini Publics in MP Districts

The initiative “Hallo Bundestag” is running mini publics in MP districts – an innovative approach to combine elements of deliberative and representative democracy. Sven T. Siefken is supporting and advising the initiative that is financed by the Robert Bosch foundation, the ZEIT foundation, the Open Society Foundations and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. More about…

At the IParl Academy
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At the IParl Academy

In March 2023, the Institute for Parliamentary Research held the first IParl Academy for graduate students. As part of the program, Sven T. Siefken discussed with participants what roles parliaments had in crises and how crises are dealt with in parliaments. You can find more about the IParl Academy here

Conference at St Pete Beach, Florida
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Conference at St Pete Beach, Florida

The Research Committees 08 (Legislative Specialists) and 13 (Democratization in Comparative Perspective) of the International Political Science Association jointly set up a conference within the Southern Political Science Association‘s Annual Conference, held January 11 to 14, 2023 at St Pete Beach in Florida. Conference organizers Irina Khmelko (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, USA), Adam Szymański (University…

Brussels, November 2022

Conference on Building Democratic Resilience

The European Parliament has been active in supporting and strengthening parliaments around the globe. Looking back at 10 years of activities, the EP Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group organized a high-level-conference in Brussels to discuss experiences and the way forward, November 29 to 30, 2022. Sven T. Siefken participated as an academic commentator. More…

Assemblee nationale, Paris, November 2022

At the Assemblée nationale in Paris

Visiting the Assemblée nationale on the occasion of the price awarded to colleague Calixte Bloquet for their dissertation “On the outskirts of the French Parliament: The Delegation for Women’s Rights”. A grand ceremony, talks with policy makers and parliamentary administrators and the opportunity to watch question time in parliament. More about the prize here.

“Parliaments, Crises and Foresight” in Dublin

“Parliaments, Crises and Foresight” in Dublin

Sven T. Siefken presented the international research collaboration “Parliaments in the Pandemic” during the workshop “Parliaments, Crisis and Foresight” of the Inter Pares Steering Committee. It was held in Dublin, Ireland. Inter Pares is a project of the European Commission that is implemented by International IDEA. It brings together parliaments from the EU members states and…

Optimizing MP Office Work

Optimizing MP Office Work

Work in the office of a member of parliament is very dynamic and has particular challenges. Teams are small, hierachies flat, changes frequent – and the work is very fast-paced. At the same time, there are important connections to the district office. In a workshop with the entire team of an MP from both offices…

Research Committee of Legislative Specialists der IPSA

Research Committee of Legislative Specialists der IPSA

Im Rahmen des World Congress der International Political Science Associtation wurde im Juli 2021 eine neue Leitung des Research Committee of Legislative Specialists (RCLS) bestimmt. Sven T. Siefken wurde zum Vice Chair gewählt. Das traditionsreiche RCLS begeht im Jahr 2022 sein 50. Jubiläum. Weitere Details finden Sie unter

“Public Outreach und Public Engagement” von Parlamenten weltweit

“Public Outreach und Public Engagement” von Parlamenten weltweit

Im dritten Global Parliamentary Report untersuchen die Inter-Parlamentarische Union (IPU) gemeinsam mit dem United Nations Development Programme  (UNDP), wie Parlamente ihre “Outreach”-Tätigkeiten wahrnehmen. Zur  Begleitung der Studie, die im Oktober 2021 vorgelegt werden soll, wurde im Januar 2021 ein Advisory Board eingerichtet. Cristina Leston-Bandeira (Leeds) und Sven T. Siefken (MLU) vertreten dort die Parlamentsforschung.

Gespräch mit Stipendiaten des Bundestages aus Namibia und Südafrika

Gespräch mit Stipendiaten des Bundestages aus Namibia und Südafrika

Über Grundzüge von Wahlsystemen, das personalisierte Verhältniswahlrecht Deutschlands und das Wahlverhalten diskutierte Sven T. Siefken mit Teilnehmenden des Internationalen Parlaments-Stipendiums (IPS) des Deutschen Bundestages. Dabei ging es auch um die aktuellen Ansätze und Perspektiven der Wahlrechtsreform. Mehr Informationen zum IPS finden Sie hier

Anhörung im Sächsischen Landtag

Anhörung im Sächsischen Landtag

Vom Ausschuss für Verfassung und Recht, Demokratie, Europa und Gleichstellung war Sven T. Siefken als Sachverständiger zu einer Anhörung eingeladen. Diskutiert wurde über Möglichkeiten für eine Verbesserung des Informationsaustausches zwischen Staatsregierung und Landtag im Rahmen von Gesetzgebung und Staatsverträgen sowie bei der Europäischen Subsidiaritätsprüfung.

Delegation aus dem armenischen Parlament

Delegation aus dem armenischen Parlament

Für Abgeordnete der Armenischen Nationalversammlung hat Sven T. Siefken einen Workshop zur Parlamentarischen Kontrolle der Exekutive durchgeführt. Analysiert wurde die Kontrollpraxis in Deutschland, um Erfahrungen für die weitere Parlamentsentwicklung nutzbar zu machen. Schwerpunkt dieser von der Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit organisierten Studienreise war die Finanzkontrolle.