Parliaments and the Resilience of Democracies
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Parliaments and the Resilience of Democracies

The Federal Ministry of the Interior is organizing a training course on the resilience of democracy. It brings academics into exchange and discussion with staff of the German Federal administration. Sven T. Siefken discussed the topic of parliaments in crises. Building on definitions of crises and the role of parliaments in the political systems, Siefken…

Parliaments in the Pandemic Workshop in Prague
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Parliaments in the Pandemic Workshop in Prague

The international collaboration on Parliaments in the Pandemic (PiP) convened for its fifth academic workshop in Prague. It was the first in-person meeting since PiP was established in 2020 in the middle of the Covid pandemic. Based on a unique country expert panel study, PiP is a comprehensive study of what happened to parliaments around…

Challenges to Parliamentary Governance
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Challenges to Parliamentary Governance

McGill University in Montreal, Canada, has run an exciting program for new MPs and staff from around the globe. Sven T. Siefken spoke on current political challenges to the German Bundestag, discussing the tension between MPs’ policy specialization versus societal outreach? The presentation gave an overview about how the Bundestag, one of the strongest parliaments…

Fourth Academic Workshop on Parliaments in the Pandemic
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Fourth Academic Workshop on Parliaments in the Pandemic

The international collaboration on Parliaments in the Pandemic (PiP) started to gather information on how the Covid-19 pandemic influenced parliaments around the globe. On March 13, it is holding its fourth Academic Workshop, continuing to analyze the data – this time with a special focus on oversight, legislation and parliamentary performance. Sven T. Siefken is…

Current Threats to Parliamentary Democracy
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Current Threats to Parliamentary Democracy

The Institute for Parliamentary Research (IParl), Berlin, and Sven T. Siefken brought together a large group of scholars for a workshop discussing current threats to parliamentary democracy. The meeting was held at the Reichstag building in an open format to debate the various developments in democracies around Europe and grapple with the question how to…

Conference at St Pete Beach, Florida
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Conference at St Pete Beach, Florida

The Research Committees 08 (Legislative Specialists) and 13 (Democratization in Comparative Perspective) of the International Political Science Association jointly set up a conference within the Southern Political Science Association‘s Annual Conference, held January 11 to 14, 2023 at St Pete Beach in Florida. Conference organizers Irina Khmelko (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, USA), Adam Szymański (University…

Brussels, November 2022

Conference on Building Democratic Resilience

The European Parliament has been active in supporting and strengthening parliaments around the globe. Looking back at 10 years of activities, the EP Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group organized a high-level-conference in Brussels to discuss experiences and the way forward, November 29 to 30, 2022. Sven T. Siefken participated as an academic commentator. More…

Parliaments in the Pandemic – Working Groups

Parliaments in the Pandemic – Working Groups

In-depth analysis in the international collaboration on “Parliaments in the Pandemic” underway. Based on the expert panel survey (comprising 380 questions), researchers will now analyse how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected parliaments. Nine Working Groups have been installed for the analysis. More about the collaboration on Parliaments in the Pandemic:

Internationales Panel zu “Legislatures During Covid-19”

Internationales Panel zu “Legislatures During Covid-19”

Mit der Rolle der Parlamente in der Covid-19-Krise befasste sich ein internationales Panel an der Bar-Ilan University, das am 14.1.2021 von 15:00 bis 16:30 Uhr (MEZ) stattfand. Vorgestellt und diskutiert wurden Erkenntnisse und Forschungsvorhaben zu verschiedenen Ländern, unter anderem Italien, das Vereinigte Königreich und mehrere “illiberal democracies” im Vergleich. Sven T. Siefken sprach zur Rolle…

Demokratie in Zeiten der Corona-Krise

Demokratie in Zeiten der Corona-Krise

Im Gespräch mit der Abendakademie Mannheim diskutiert Sven T. Siefken welche Folgen die gegenwärtige Situation für das politische System hat. Dabei geht es um die Fragen, ob in Deutschland der Notstand herrscht, wie politische Entscheidungen gegenwärtig getroffen werden und welche Herausforderung dies für Opposition und Mehrheit mit sich bringt. Sie finden das Interview in der…