At a distance: Parliaments in the Pandemic

At a distance: Parliaments in the Pandemic

In a recent interview at the “Portal für Politikwissenschaft”, Petra Guasti and Sven T. Siefken talked about the preliminary findings of the international collaboration on Parliaments in the Pandemic. The interview is available (in German) here: photo: Deutscher Bundestag / Simone M. Neumann

Parliaments in the Pandemic Workshop No. 6

Parliaments in the Pandemic Workshop No. 6

The international collaboration Parliaments in the Pandemic held its sixth academic workshop, this time in Kiel at the new offices of the Foundation Science and Democracy. Results of the project will be published in an edited volume soon. Workshop participants also met with practitioners of the state parliament of Schleswig-Holstein to discuss their experience in…

Parliaments and the Resilience of Democracies
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Parliaments and the Resilience of Democracies

The Federal Ministry of the Interior is organizing a training course on the resilience of democracy. It brings academics into exchange and discussion with staff of the German Federal administration. Sven T. Siefken discussed the topic of parliaments in crises. Building on definitions of crises and the role of parliaments in the political systems, Siefken…

Parliaments in the Pandemic Workshop in Prague
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Parliaments in the Pandemic Workshop in Prague

The international collaboration on Parliaments in the Pandemic (PiP) convened for its fifth academic workshop in Prague. It was the first in-person meeting since PiP was established in 2020 in the middle of the Covid pandemic. Based on a unique country expert panel study, PiP is a comprehensive study of what happened to parliaments around…

IPSA in Buenos Aires

IPSA in Buenos Aires

The Research Committee of Legislative Specialists is meeting during the 2023 World Congress in Buenos Aires. Organizing various panels it brings together perspectives on Parliamentary Oversight, Second Chambers, Parliamentary Party Groups, Parliaments in the Pandemic, Parliamentary Development. Sven T. Siefken is serving as convenor, panel chair, discussant and paper presenter. More on the panels by…

Fourth Academic Workshop on Parliaments in the Pandemic
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Fourth Academic Workshop on Parliaments in the Pandemic

The international collaboration on Parliaments in the Pandemic (PiP) started to gather information on how the Covid-19 pandemic influenced parliaments around the globe. On March 13, it is holding its fourth Academic Workshop, continuing to analyze the data – this time with a special focus on oversight, legislation and parliamentary performance. Sven T. Siefken is…

At the IParl Academy
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At the IParl Academy

In March 2023, the Institute for Parliamentary Research held the first IParl Academy for graduate students. As part of the program, Sven T. Siefken discussed with participants what roles parliaments had in crises and how crises are dealt with in parliaments. You can find more about the IParl Academy here

Conference at St Pete Beach, Florida
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Conference at St Pete Beach, Florida

The Research Committees 08 (Legislative Specialists) and 13 (Democratization in Comparative Perspective) of the International Political Science Association jointly set up a conference within the Southern Political Science Association‘s Annual Conference, held January 11 to 14, 2023 at St Pete Beach in Florida. Conference organizers Irina Khmelko (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, USA), Adam Szymański (University…

Parliaments in the Pandemic – Working Groups

Parliaments in the Pandemic – Working Groups

In-depth analysis in the international collaboration on “Parliaments in the Pandemic” underway. Based on the expert panel survey (comprising 380 questions), researchers will now analyse how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected parliaments. Nine Working Groups have been installed for the analysis. More about the collaboration on Parliaments in the Pandemic:

“Revisiting Parliaments in Pandemics” in Prague
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“Revisiting Parliaments in Pandemics” in Prague

In May 2022, the Academy of Sciences organized a workshop Revisiting Parliaments in Pandemics. Keynote speaker Sven T. Siefken presented first findings of the second wave of a global expert survey ‘Parliaments in Pandemics’. Conducted in 2020, 2021, and 2022, the survey focused on how the pandemic changed the legislatures’ roles and, in particular, electoral, legislative, oversight, communication and representation…